
How to Care for Your Luxury Vintage Bag

So you’ve made the right choice and decided to go vintage to showcase your uniqueness and live more sustainably. Way to go girl! The next step is for you to make sure your luxury bag is taken care of properly to avoid any bending, sagging, or any other signs of deterioration. Fortunately, preserving your vintage bag is easier than you might think, and with a few easy steps, you can make sure your vintage bag stays excellent for as long as possible.

Properly Store the Bag

One of the most important things you can do when storing your bags is to store them upright on shelves or in your closet, just like how you’d see them displayed in luxury high-end boutiques. This not only makes your closet look more beautiful and organized but in the long run, it prevents your vintage bags from bending and sagging.

Additionally, make sure to stuff your bags with acid-free tissues or papers to help prevent them from losing shape, and place them in see-through dust bags or boxes to protect them from dirt.

Lastly, keep your bags away from sunlight and don’t set them too close to any lightbulbs in order to minimize the risk of fading.

Let Your Vintage Bags Breathe

We know how gorgeous the packaging the bag came with can be! But under no circumstance should you keep your bag stored in its original box. You may think you’re protecting your bag from deteriorating when you store it that way, but it’s actually more harmful to your bag, whether it’s leather, canvas, or even suede. Leathers can start to crack, peel or flake. Yikes! Your vintage bags need to breathe. They need adequate ventilation, so it’s best to store them in the dust bags they came with.

Use Material Protectors

Prevention is better than cure. This saying cannot be truer in the case of caring for your vintage luxury bags.  Many people often miss this step, but using the right material protector to lessen the harmful impacts on your bag is one of the best things you can do and could save you a fortune spent on restoration treatment in the future.

Every three months, massage in the appropriate protector on your vintage bag to give it an invisible seal that will protect it from water marks and dirt stains.

Don’t skimp on the type of protector you’re using for your bag. We recommend a silicone-free, all-natural, water-based protector for your leather bags. While silicone-based protectors sold at shoe stores and supermarkets can be effective in protecting the bag, they will suffocate the leather and dry it out, which will change its character and feel.

Clean Properly

You need to be extra careful when cleaning your luxury bags. Harsh and fragrant chemicals are a big no-no! Here are some tips on cleaning your leather bag:

 For oil stains on leather bags, use cornstarch on the stained area, leave it for 5 - 10 minutes until the starch is absorbed, brush off the remaining powder with a clean rag then apply a small amount of leather cream using a cotton cloth.

Clean your leather bag at least once a week using warm water and a damp cloth to quickly wipe down the bag and remove any stains, dirt, or grease. Otherwise, you can simply use fragrance-free water wipes.

Seek professional care for old, stubborn stains, and do not attempt to clean them on your own! This could lead to a big mess.

Remove bad smells by putting an open container of baking powder inside your bag, covering the bag with a dust bag, then leaving it for 24 hours.

To clean your vintage suede handbags, use a nylon brush or a suede brush with short bristles. Lightly massage the surface with the brush to remove any grit or debris. if your light-colored suede bag has scratches, use a suede eraser or suede stone to remove the black markings.

Spot-clean fabric handbags by dipping a white cotton towel in warm water. Blot the stained area with a towel to remove dirt stains. The fabric bag should be let dry overnight.

Extra Tips & Tricks

Avoid putting purses inside other handbags or totes. Although this could seem like a space-saving choice, it could end up stretching your bags and causing damage.

Don't let suede bags touch one another. Otherwise, the dye can leak from one bag into another.

Before storing your handbags, make sure they are always completely dry, especially if they are made of leather.

Hanging your bags makes it easier for them to maintain their shape and reduces the chance of damage since it keeps them from sagging.

Keep your most-used bags in a location that is simple to get to. Other bags that aren’t used as often can be stored in containers.

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